You can dedicate a song of your choice to be performed by The Alumni Band!



1. Buy It:

  • Fill out the Alumni Band “Buy-A-Song” form below to submit your request.
  • Choose from the following genres: Marches, Christmas, Jazz, Pop and Classical.
  • Buy as an individual or group for The Alumni Band to own.
  • Tax Deductible, the Alumni Band is a non-profit organization.
  • A representative of the Alumni Band will work closely with you and your organization/group to locate a specific score of your chosen song.
  • The price will be presented to you and your group by an Alumni Band representative.
    (Most arrangements typically may be purchased for less than $150)
  • The Alumni Band reserves the right to approve all purchases.

2. Dedicate It:

  • You and/or your group may dedicate the purchase of a song or arrangement to anyone or a group of your choosing.
  • Dedicate it for multiple purposes; birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, in memory, etc.
  • Your name and/or group’s name along with your dedicatee’s name and purpose will:
    • Appear under the title of the purchased piece whenever possible.
    • Be announced in concert when the song is performed.
    • Be listed in the Alumni Band Program each time it is performed.
  • The Alumni Band reserves the right to approve dedications.

3. Play it:

  • The Alumni Band will play it.
  • Yourself, immediate family and the dedicatee (up to 8 people) will get free tickets to the event when the Alumni Band will debut your purchased song or arrangement. Note: this is only applicable for the debut.
  • Purchasers and dedicatee(s) will receive notification of the debut of the song or arrangement within a reasonable time.

*Purchasers agree to purchase the song or arrangement for use by the Alumni Band.

*The Alumni Band, Band Council and the Band Director have full discretion as to when and where each Buy-A-Song purchased piece is played. Please note: Reasonable efforts will be made by the Alumni Band to play the Buy a Song purchase in a timely manner.